ECHA announce compliance checks on REACH registrations
14 Jul 2022
ECHA have announced that they are beginning compliance checks to ensure that organisations are keeping their registrations up-to-date. The checks will focus on substances with harmonised classification and labelling. Any registrations suspected to be non-compliant will be passed to national enforcement authorities.
What should you do?
Under REACH Article 22, it is a legal requirement to maintain up-to-date information in registration dossiers. The regulation requires registrants to update their dossiers ‘without delay’ when new and relevant information becomes available. Registrants must maintain their dossiers and complete updates to avoid enforcement action. As a registrant, you are also required to monitor the regulatory status of your substances to maintain up-to- date risk management measures.
How can Ricardo support?
Ricardo's team of chemical experts can remove the complexities of dossier compliance from your organisation; supporting you with high quality dossier production reducing the risk of enforcement action from non-compliance.
Dossier compliance checks
Our team of regulatory experts can conduct a detailed review of your dossier to fill data gaps, strengthen justifications for adaptations and help to establish if all appropriate information has been gathered to reduce the likelihood of ECHA requesting further information. In addition to a detailed review of your dossier, Ricardo can conduct a more generalised review to ensure that analysis and testing are up to date and in line with the current methodology described in the Substance Identity Profile.
Horizon scanning and compliance reporting
Our horizon scanning service can perform a substance inventory check, identifying if your substances appear on any global regulatory lists. The service provides results in a clear, easy-to-read report, where you can quickly determine the most recent status of your substances. This early warning of any changes allows you to make strategic decisions sooner, helping you reduce the time, expense and resource investment required to understand the complex regulatory requirements and guarding you against enforcement actions.