Our Experts

Chris Hewitson

Director - Ricardo Australia and New Zealand
Chris Hew 2020 New

Chris' Story

“Chris is the regional leader for Ricardo in Australia and New Zealand, Ricardo’s second largest region with over 200 staff working across rail, mass transit, water and environment projects.”


Chris’ 25 year career includes supporting water companies across the UK, the US, New Zealand and Australia with their long term planning, leading large and diverse teams to deliver large infrastructure programs and in establishing and growing a consulting firm (now part of Ricardo) that supported utility, government and resources sectors across Australia respond to environmental and infrastructure management challenges. 

Chris seeks to bring the expertise and skills in sustainability and mobility decarbonisation across Ricardo into the ANZ region and with Ricardo’s great 200 plus local team provide the advisory services Australia and New Zealand greatly need as we seek to meet our Net Zero commitments safely, and affordably.

Chris was awarded a PhD in Engineering in 1999 and is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia.

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