
Strong governance and strategy

Our board has a responsibility to ensure that the company delivers not only to its shareholders but also for a much wider set of stakeholders, including its employees and customers

The role of the board

The Board is responsible for defining the Company's purpose, setting a strategy to deliver it and monitoring values and behaviours that shape how Ricardo conducts its business and culture. 

Ricardo's Board is collectively responsible for the long-term success of the company, assisted by the executive committee and its appointed advisors. The full matters reserved for the Board are available below.



Mark Claire

Board committees

The Board has established four main committees including the Nomination committee, Remuneration committee, Audit committee, and the Responsible Business committee. 

Each committee supports the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities and operates under its own terms of reference. The committees enable more detailed reviews to take place, as appropriate.


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In focus

Board of Directors

We are led by an experienced board of directors that are committed to ensuring Ricardo is positioned to deliver sustainable and profitable growth 

Our policies

Our company policies and procedures are in place to enable us to deliver our products and services in an ethical and sustainable manner.

Section 172 statement

Section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 sets out a number of general duties that directors owe to a company.

Stakeholder engagement

Engaging and building trust with our diverse range of stakeholders with whom we interact regularly and is key to our long term success.