Craig Thomson

Craig's Story
What is your role at Ricardo?
I lead our chemical risk business area, which supports organisations prepare for and achieve a safe and sustainable future with their products. This includes the operation of the UK's National Chemical Emergency Centre (NCEC), providing emergency response to over 650 companies globally.
What does your average day at Ricardo look like?
My day is incredibly varied. In one day I can go from discussing challenges our customers are facing to helping my team create personal development plans for their own career aspirations. Ensuring we have an engaged team who are continuously developing is critical to our success, and our ability to help our customers, so this is a major focus my time and my teams.
What do you find most rewarding at work? / Are you proud to work at Ricardo?
At Ricardo, we really are making a difference. It's easy to say as a throwaway line, but we genuinely do. As an example, in the emergency response team, we take thousands of calls a year from people involved in a chemical incident who need immediate help and professional advice, to protect themselves and the environment.
How have you developed your career at Ricardo?
I joined Ricardo 8-years ago as an Account Manager, and now I lead Ricardo's cross business activity into the chemical industry. One of the reasons I have been able to do this is by the support and encouragement from the business, all ideas are listened too and well considered ones taken onboard, and in my case, given the reigns to deliver it. Ongoing development is at the heart of the business and so important.