Our People

Martijn Gough

Associate Director and Business Area Manager - Resilience, Adaptation and Nature
Martjn Gough, Associate Director For Resilience And Adaptation


Martijn is an economist and public policy expert who brings a logical and collaborative approach to policy development and economic analysis. He leads Ricardo's Resilience, Adaptation and Nature team in Australia, which focuses providing policy, strategy, performance and economic appraisal to help clients navigate issues related to climate change, natural capital and disaster risk. He regularly leads climate change projects, with a focus on how communities, business and government adapt, transition effectively and realise climate change opportunities. An expert in the economics of adaptation. Between 2019 and 2023, was a member of the New South Wales Coastal Council, a skills-based legislated advisory body, providing independent economic advice to the Minister for Environment and Climate Change. Has also led multiple economic assessments of adaptation options for adaptation strategies and business cases. 

Martijn recently developed guidelines for WA government agencies responsible for the development of WA’s Sector Adaptation Plans (SAPs). He has also led adaptation strategies as part of the QCoast2100 program, and developed adaptation guidance for developing compelling business cases for the water sector for DEECA in Victoria. Each of these projects required deep technical understanding, and clear communication of best practice adaptation planning approaches across governance, risk assessments, economic analysis and MER. At the United Nations Development Programme Martijn led coastal adaptation projects in the Maldives that aimed to reduce the consequences of climate change local communities. He also helped develop an Economics of adaptation toolkit in partnership with Yale University. Martijn’s previous roles include four years in the Climate Change, Environment and Water team at the Department of Treasury and Finance where he developed his first-principles approach to policy analysis, economics and business case appraisal.