Our Experts

Rachel von Gerhardt

Principal Consultant
Rachelvongerhardt Nobg Bw

Rachel's Story

“Rachel specialises in water, resilience and adaptation and is passionate about equitable, sustainable and evidence-based policy.”


Rachel has worked in water and environmental policy for close to a decade and is an experienced policy analyst, researcher and project manager. As a Principal Consultant at Ricardo, Rachel strives to promote equitable, sustainable and evidence-based policy.

Rachel’s strengths lie in her analytical thinking, problem-solving and communication skills and her ability to produce high quality research and reports. Prior to joining Ricardo, Rachel began her career at the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, giving her an in-depth understanding of the development and implementation of Australian water and environmental water policy. She also studied land and water management in the Netherlands, Spain and Vietnam, which has given her valuable insights into water policy and management, water scarcity and flooding, and climate change adaptation in both an international and domestic context.

Rachel’s collaborative and adaptable approach combined with her attention to detail helps her engage with clients to solve complex problems. When she is not in the office Rachel enjoys gardening, bird watching and hiking in the ACT and along the NSW south coast.

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