Our People

Ryan Gormly

Associate Director - Water Policy and Management
Ryan Gormly, Water Policy And Management


An economist and policy advisor specialising in water, with a deep knowledge of Australia’s rural and urban water sectors, and extensive experience in policy, regulation, markets, pricing, institutions and governance, and reform. Key strengths include an ability to critically analyse complex problems, develop solutions, and provide high-quality, outcomes focused advice. Leads Ricardo’s water policy and management consulting and manages consulting teams to deliver a diverse range of projects across Australia and internationally. Also provides strategic advice to decision makers and leads consultation processes. Has delivered a wide range of projects and programs in consulting and government, in the water and other sectors, including the environment, agriculture, waste and recycling, regional development, indigenous affairs and energy. This consulting and previous work is well published, with various government and consulting reports published in the water and other sectors.

Recently, he has been leading work on basin planning, adaptive management and climate change, water planning, water markets, irrigation pricing reform, socio-economic impacts of water recovery, reforms to water access and supply security, business cases for prospective institutional reforms, and regulatory design for water management in the Middle East. Has held roles in the Commonwealth Government, delivering rural and urban water projects and programs for the National Water Commission, in State Government, developing and implementing primary industries and environmental policy in Victoria, and in local government, developing and implementing environmental programs in Melbourne. Maintains a keen interest in environmental and water adjacent sectors and in climate adaptation and mitigation.