Ricardo Compliance Tool

A pioneering technology developed by Ricardo to deliver Independent Assurance projects

The Ricardo Compliance Tool (RCT) is a cloud-based technology used to deliver independent assurance projects from requirements capture through to acceptance and certification.

Developed for the rail industry, and unique to Ricardo Certification, the RCT provides a secure, shared environment where your team and our assessors can collaboratively perform assurance activities and exchange feedback at every step of your project lifecycle.

Starting with identifying requirements from our multilingual library of industry standards, the RCT becomes the single source for your project's checklists, evidence, compliance arguments, reports and conclusions.

And with live status dashboards available to all teams on a 24/7 basis, the tool supports open and transparent relationships, ensuring no hidden surprises along the route to compliance.

The RCT's live project reporting includes the number of Requirements and Observations as well as their compliance and workflow status. Our dashboards also provide instant links that give you the option to take a deep dive into key assessment areas.

We will provide RCT access to your teams (via standard browsers and with secure login) so that they can interact with our assessors, monitor the progress of assessments, view or upload evidence and access our reports at any time. Offline working is also supported through controlled Excel "round trip’ functionality and the RCT can import/export via ReqIF (Requirements Interchange Format), for example to, or from DOORS.

We can help reduce assessment times by enabling responses to be exchanged at an Observation and Requirement level. Your teams will no longer have to wait for assessment reports or manage multiple spreadsheets, allowing them to focus on critical items and maintain project timescales.

The RCT also provides an accessible store for project evidence such as drawings, technical descriptions and calculations. This provides a visible and auditable track of receipt and avoids delays from lost, missing or updated documentation.

Developed exclusively for the rail industry, the RCT provides a secure, shared environment where your team and our assessors can collaboratively perform assurance activities across our entire service portfolio, including:

  • Notified Body
  • Designated Body
  • Assessment Body
  • Independent Safety Assessment
  • Assessment Party
  • Railway Product Certification


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