Asia Pacific Hydrogen 2024 Summit


12 September 2024




USD $2,890


09:00 (Australia, Sydney)


Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre

The APAC Hydrogen Summit brings together leaders and visionaries from the hydrogen industry on a global scale, providing a unique platform for collaboration and innovation. This hydrogen conference showcases presentations and workshops involving government representatives, C-Suite Level hydrogen enthusiasts, and hydrogen players from countries including Germany, Japan, Australia, the Netherlands, Indonesia, China, India and the USA.

Nikunj Panchal, Global Vice President - Energy and Infrastructure Transition, Elle Maclure, Principal Consultant, and Adam Tomlinson, Strategic Programmes Manager, will be representing Ricardo at the Asia Pacific Hydrogen 2024 Summit and Exhibition in Brisbane, Australia. 

The team are looking forward to engaging with a broad spectrum of exhibitors and attendees across the hydrogen supply chain at the APAC Hydrogen Summit. Ricardo is uniquely positioned to support Australia’s ambition is to become a renewable energy superpower, with a decarbonised economy and increased clean energy exports to contribute to regional and global decarbonisation efforts. Ricardo’s team can provide expert advice across the entire supply chain, from vision, to policy and planning and right through to implementation.


Despite short-term challenges, hydrogen remains critical in achieving long-term and sustainable decarbonisation goals. Supply chain maturity and energy infrastructures are key enablers to drive hydrogen towards desired Net Zero growth trajectory” - Nikunj Panchal


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The presenters

Nikunj Panchal Hands

Nikunj Panchal

Global Vice President of Energy, Infrastructure Transition

View profile


Nikunj Panchal Hands

Nikunj Panchal considers how developed western economies can support global energy transition

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Tom Koutsantonis Jorge Gistau Martin Sam Crafter Chris Hewitson June2024

Ricardo hosts South Australian Government Minister for discussions on hydrogen, transport and environmental projects

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IMG 4685 Cu Sized

Clearing Nepal's dusty skies

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