Challenges in financing renewables and storage in electricity markets


28 January 2025


Energy and environment

Energy transition

Clean energy




16:00 (United Kingdom, London)


The National Gallery – Athens, Greece

As we celebrated the Ricardo/E3Modelling New Year's Eve cake cutting, we gathered industry and public sector peers for a conversation about the important financial challenges facing RES and storage investments in today’s electricity markets. During the event, which will took place on the evening of the 28th of January at the National Gallery in Athens, we dived into this crucial topic through engaging scenarios based on our analytical mathematical models.

In addition to this session, we presented, for the first time, our new subscription service, the Electricity Market Outlook, a powerful tool that offers insightful forecasts and simulations with our energy market models. 



  • 6:30 PM – 6:35 PM | Welcome speech – Nikunj Panchal, VP of Energy Transition at Ricardo
  • 6:35 PM – 6:45 PM | Session 1: Exploring the importance of large-scale economic modelling in our rapidly evolving world – L. Paroussos, Global Practice Director of Digital Modelling at Ricardo
  • 6:45 PM – 7:05 PM | Session 2: Challenges in Financing Renewables and Storage in Electricity Markets analyzed using the Electricity Market Outlook Modelling – A. Makrysopoulos, Head of Energy Modelling, and M. Kannavou Director of Energy Systems Analysis
  • 7:05 PM – 7:15 PM | Session 3: Fostering the Financial and Industrial component of the Green Deal; from the Energy Green Deal to the Green Deal Industrial Plan – Professor P. Capros, President of E3 Modelling 
  • 7:15 PM – 7:30 PM | Q&A with the audience


You can access a recording of the session and the slides presented by clicking here


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