ECHA Shaping Tomorrow Conference 2024


28 February 2024


Chemical risk


Increased regulation

Global policy and funding for climate change


08:00 (GMT)


Helsinki / Online

This full day conference provides an opportunity for the EU chemicals community to gain insights from EU leaders and top experts. This year, the conference focuses on three key topics:

Collaboration – discover the industry and regulatory initiatives in development to support businesses in the green and digital transition; and learn how chemical safety standards are implemented and guiding product innovation and safety.

Science – this session seeks to understand how the gap between science and regulation could be bridged, with exploration of how scientific research can address regulatory challenges.  With discussions on the significance of alternative methods and international collaboration.

Knowledge – discussions on overcoming regulatory barriers to data sharing, standardising chemical data, and navigating the evolving landscape of AI in chemical regulation and safety.

Associate Director, Chris Hughes, represents Ricardo at the event held in Helsinki, Finland.

Arrange to meet our experts in Helsinki