Maritime Decarbonisation Summit 2024


03 July 2024





Energy transition


Clean energy

Sustainable mobility

Zero emission propulsion

Net Zero





09:00 (United Kingdom, London)

This event has now concluded. You can express your interest in our 2025 event and recap on what our 2024 entailed below.

Coinciding with Sustainability Week at Shoreham Port, UK, Ricardo is once again opening our doors to stakeholders from across the maritime sector with the aim of facilitating and accelerating the decarbonisation of the sector. 

Join us to learn about the latest thinking and developments in maritime decarbonisation, see the latest technical innovations showcased, network with industry peers and help shape the future of decarbonisation for the sector. Previous experience has shown us that bringing experts and stakeholders together drives the necessary conversations to overcome barriers to decarbonisation.

Speakers from ports, vessel owners and operators as well as organisations working directly with the maritime sector will provide insight and experience on: 
•    The decarbonisation of ports’ own operations as well as a ports’ role in facilitating the decarbonisation of vessels 
•    Electrification opportunities as well as the roles of sustainable and low-GHG fuels 
•    Experiences of how to ensure the environmental transition goes hand in hand with economic development.  
There will also be site visits to several test facilities at Shoreham Technical Centre to view recent technological developments first-hand.  

Watch the video below for insight into our 2023 event:


Who should attend?

We look forward to the participation of port operators, electricity network operators, vessel owner/operators, Government funding agencies, harbour authorities, fuel suppliers and technology developers.

It is free to attend but space is limited. 


Maritime event, key takeaways, STC
Maritime decarbonisation news and updates

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Agenda for our 2024 event


Time Session Presenters
09:00 Registration and refreshments
09:30 Welcome and introduction
Tim Scarbrough, Director of Maritime, Ricardo
09:35 Panel: Decarbonising ports
Moderated by Olivia Carpenter Lomax, Head of Sustainable Energy Systems, Ricardo
  Decarbonising Shoreham Port - deploying renewables
Brian Rousell, Director Of Engineering, Shoreham Port
  Electrification of port equipment
Mikko Nurmela, Senior Development Manager, Kalmar
  Opportunities for electrifying port machinery and learnings from other sectors  Cesare Giordano, Global Software Strategy Manager for Electrification, Ricardo
  An electricity Distribution Network Operator perspective on managing electrification at ports Gemma Ennis, Innovation Project Manager, SSE
10:50 Coffee Break
11:10 Panel: Shore power and vessel technologies for decarbonisation
Moderated by Joanna Richart, Hydrogen Product Strategy, Ricardo
  Installing shore power at Portsmouth International Port

Elly Toyer, Environmental and Sustainability Coordinator, Portsmouth International Port

  Shore power for dredgers at Shoreham Port

Andrew King, Project Manager, Cemex Marine

  Sustainable fuels for maritime engines Richard Osborne, Global Technical Expert: Sustainable Engines, Ricardo
  Marine Hydrogen fuel cell solutions  Richard Gordon, Head of R&D, Ricardo
12:25 Lunch
  Tour at Ricardo Shoreham Technical Centre
1.    H2 Fuel Cell module build and certification 
2.    H2 storage and safety 
3.    ICE alternative fuel solution 
14:05 Panel: Decarbonising vessels with alternative fuels
Moderated by Adrian Greaney, Strategy, Technology & Innovation Director, Ricardo
  Policy outlook for decarbonising the maritime sector

Tim Scarbrough, Director of Maritime, Ricardo


Brittany Ferries - Fleet energy transition roadmap

Bertrand Crispils, Head of Energy Transition, Brittany Ferries

  Mission possible: net-zero shipping and logistics
Peter Livey, Managing Director (Great Britain), HMM, 
  Safety considerations of alternative fuels for the maritime industry
Matthew Moss, Maritime Sustainable Transport Senior Consultant, Ricardo
15:20 Coffee break
15:40 Panel: Delivering decarbonisation economically
Moderated by Tim Scarbrough, Director of Maritime, Ricardo
  Driving long-term growth from sustainability-driven investment
Louisa Cilenti, Co-founder and CEO, pH3 Capital Ventures
  Future alternative marine fuels - the harbour authority perspective
William Barker, Marine Director, Harwich Haven Authority
  Funding and collaboration: taking a national view James Lovett, Innovation Lead – Future Maritime Technologies, Innovate UK
  Decarbonizing maritime – a consortium approach in research and funding to provide a sector solution Sascha Gill, Vice President Environment and Sustainability, River Cruise Association
16:55 Closing remarks and summary from the day
Adrian Greaney, Strategy, Technology & Innovation Director, Ricardo
17:10 Optional tours of McLaren production line
Ricardo Shoreham Technical Centre

Find out how we support the maritime industry

Maritime Decarbonisation: Insights and Strategies from the 2023 Maritime Decarbonisation Summit

This white paper discusses the highlights of our 2023 Summit.

Maritime event, key takeaways, STC

Maritime Decarbonisation: Insights and Strategies from the 2023 Maritime Decarbonisation Summit

Download here

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