Software Defined Vehicles - What Does It Mean for Motorcycles?
This panel session was conducted at the Ricardo Motorcycle Conference in Italy. There are about 50 to 100 ECUs in modern passenger cars with 100s of millions of lines of source codes. On the other hand, motorcycles normally have less than a dozen ECUs. They generally have more basic infotainment systems or instrument clusters compared to cars. Considering the technical limitations, what does Software defined vehicle mean to the motorcycle industry? Complete the form below to view the full session online.
Moderated by Ty Kim, Head of Software & Digital, Ricardo.
- Geoff Liersch, President, Two-Wheeler & Powersports, Bosch Corporation
- Simone Di Piazza, Head of Innovation and R&D Services, Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A.
- Abe Askenazi, Chief Technology Officer, Zero Motorcycles
- Guiseppe Corcione, Chief Technical Officer, Reinova
The presenters

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