World Future Energy Summit (WFES) 2025
The World Future Energy Summit is a global think tank, powered by global innovation, pioneering minds and groundbreaking insights. Bringing together industry influencers, problem solvers and cutting-edge solutions, we’re focused on creating the blueprints for a sustainable future.
Speakers representing Ricardo
Our experts can be found on stage discussing a variety of topics at this years' event:
Vicky Bradley
Thursday 16th January, 11:10 - 11:30
Fireside talk: Diverting industry waste from landfills
EcoWaste Track
While circularity initiatives often emphasise changing consumer behaviour and reducing household waste, the larger challenge lies in diverting substantial volumes of industry waste from landfills. Industrial sectors generate significant waste, offering greater potential for reuse and emission reductions. Effective strategies and policies must be implemented to address this issue, focusing on robust industrial waste management, incentivising recycling and reuse, and enforcing stricter regulations on waste disposal. By targeting both consumer and industrial waste, can we achieve a more comprehensive approach to landfill diversion and climate change mitigation?
Learn more about our waste management solutions >
Richard Davidson
Wednesday 15th January, 14:00 - 14:40
Panel: Near-future waste management challenges
EcoWaste Track
What are the types of waste that, whilst not a huge problem in terms of volume today, are going to become a major waste management challenge in the near future. For instance, what will happen with end-of-life solar materials, or batteries from electric vehicles? How will we these be viewed - an opportunity for reuse or recycling, or a waste material that needs to be managed sustainably? This session will identify the upcoming waste material challenges, and discuss ways these can be dealt with that brings benefit for all.
Learn more about our waste management solutions >
Nada Abubakr
Tuesday 14 January, 14:50 - 15:10
Fireside talk: Water security – a technology approach
Water track
Focusing on water security, Nada will discuss the role of new technologies and how we can better measure and predict water needs along with the benefits of more rapidly spotting water losses or theft across the network, such as by using AI in leak detection or smart meters for non-revenue water to cut losses.
Learn more about our water solutions >
Meet the team in Abu Dhabi
Exhibiting in hall 4, stand 4212, Akin Adamson and Nikunj Panchal look forward to discussing the challenges and potential solutions facing organisations during the transition to a sustainable world powered by clean energy.
More on clean energy

ebook: Carbon Removal Technologies & Policy
By exploring the opportunities and challenges inherent in the CCUS process, our experts shed light on a promising avenue for curbing carbon emissions from waste-related activities.

Safety challenges around energy storage
Did you know only 3 out of the 65 global incidents are understood - read our blog to understand the challenges around energy storage

How do we pay for net zero?
Ricardo's Dr James Davey explains the importance of the Transition Finance Market Review, published in the UK in October 2024, and how it sets out the actions that Governments and financial institutions can take to scale-up investment in net-zero.

Nikunj Panchal considers how developed western economies can support global energy transition
Our Global Vice President of Energy and Infrastructure Transition considers how developed western economies can support global energy transition.