Free Ricardo webinar: selecting the best off-highway electrification solution
18 Jun 2020
In a free one-hour webinar to be hosted at 14.00 BST (09.00 EST / 15.00 CET) on 23 June, Ricardo will present its approach to the selection optimal solutions for the electrification of the powertrains of off-highway vehicles and equipment.
Electrification can bring significant fuel savings and CO2 emissions reductions for off-highway vehicles and machines, but the potential benefits and the optimal approach is strongly dependent on the vehicle parameters and its intended duty cycle. Off-highway manufacturers need to identify this potential across a range of machines. They require clear and reliable information on which to base the selection of modular systems that can deliver the product level advantages of electrification, together with the manufacturing and supply chain economies of scale of fleet-wide systems commonality.
In this free 60-minute webinar, Ricardo’s Pascal Revereault, principal engineer, simulation and Andy Skipton-Carter, market sector head for the off-highway industry, will look at how to identify the best solution for off-highway electrification. Ricardo has developed its AIM tool (Architecture Independent Modelling) to rapidly find the optimum electrified powertrain system for each machine and duty cycle and explore opportunities to rationalize the powertrains of the existing product line-up.
Combining simulation outputs with Ricardo’s cost model allows trade-offs and sensitivities to be explored to identify the most cost-efficient solutions for the end users.
To register for this free webinar visit: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4152611733410967820