Free webinar: How to meet new Euro VII and US heavy-duty emissions regulations
15 Oct 2020
In a free webinar to be hosted by Automotive World at 13.00 GMT (08.00 EST / 14.00 CET) on 5 November, Dave Bennet and Andrew Auld will present Ricardo’s view on how engine and truck manufacturers can position themselves to comply with future heavy-duty on-highway emissions regulations in Europe and the United States.
With Euro VII undergoing public consultation and the US Cleaner Trucks Initiative moving towards a rulemaking, the webinar ‘New emissions limits: the challenges and solutions for Euro VII and the US’ will provide the opportunity for Ricardo to share the company’s views on the likely future direction of heavy-duty on-highway emissions regulations in Europe and the United States.
The webinar will provide an overview of Ricardo research into how to meet likely future regulations, and the nature of the challenge for engine OEMs and truck manufacturers that will arise from emissions legislation expected to come into force before 2030, together will parallel CO2 requirements.
Compliance with these future regulations is likely to require engine upgrades to improve thermal efficiency towards 50 percent, as well as the use of more efficient aftertreatment solutions.
In this free 60-minute Automotive World webinar, Ricardo’s Dave Bennet, chief engineer, heavy-duty propulsion, and Andrew Auld, principal engineer, performance development, will provide insights into this pressing topic for the heavy-duty, on-highway sector. In addition to the technical content of the webinar, they will also provide details of the support that Ricardo can offer – for example, in the delivery of workshops to help manufacturers meet the requirements of future emissions regulations.
To register for this free webinar visit: https://mobex.io/webinars/euro-vii-new-emissions-limits-the-challenges-and-solutions/