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The Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance programme (CHPQA)

06 Apr 2023

The Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance programme (CHPQA) provides a practical, determinate method for assessing the quality of combined heat and power (CHP), or cogeneration, installations. CHPQA provides a mechanism to determine whether on an annual basis a CHP Scheme meets the criteria for Good Quality for all or part of its energy inputs, outputs and capacity, and thus qualifies for fiscal and other policy benefits. CHPQA covers all CHP Scheme types, sizes and fuels currently employed.

The CHPQA methodology allows public support measures to be targeted only at Good Quality CHP that provide significant energy and environmental benefits. Managing this Programme requires not only close liaison with Government and Agencies (EA, Ofgem and LCCC) but also with Industrial, Commercial and Public Sector organisations and trade associations (the ADE, District Heating Association and the Renewable Energy Association).

Our support extends to providing authoritative and impartial technical and policy advice to help remove real and perceived barriers to taking up CHP, addressing these requirements through the CHP Focus services which includes developing and maintaining: a website that acts as a centralised, one-stop-shop publicly information service on CHP, a web-based CHP Assessment tool and the UK CHP Development Map that enables locations to be identified where the supply of CHP heat would have the greatest potential, and therefore the largest positive environmental impact.


A short history of CHPQA


“We are very pleased to be awarded a new contract for continuing to run the CHPQA programme for 4 more years.  Under this contract we continue the validation and certification of all CHP schemes in the UK and provide CHP related technical and policy support to BEIS (now DESNZ).  We have been the Government’s trusted partner responsible for delivery of this flagship programme since its creation in 2001.” Ricardo’s Technical Director Mahmoud Abu-Ebid, The CHPQA programme Director.

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