Mate Delivering Training

Ricardo delivers Asian Development Bank funded energy training in Nepal

16 September 2019

To support the strengthening of the energy sector in Nepal, Ricardo’s energy experts are delivering training to enable the country’s power industries to benefit from international best practice.

The management and technical focused workstreams have been designed by Ricardo’s energy sector experts, based on Nepal Energy Authority’s ambitions for development of the sector. These include improving operational capacity to enable utilisation of smart-grid and renewable energy technologies.

The comprehensive training programme has been developed based on Ricardo’s international expertise and experience, and draws on international best practice. Participants of the training programme will have access to respected industry keynote speakers including: Dr Janamitra Devan, former vice president of the World Bank and International Finance Corporation; Dr Arvind Mayaram, former finance secretary for the Government of India; Rashmi Singh a human resource and change management expert; and Mahfuz Sadique, global media and communications expert.
Mohammad Arbaaz Nayeem, Ricardo business manager, commented: “We’re delighted to be delivering this project to support the Nepal Electricity Authority in developing the sector to deliver important energy network and wider social impacts for the country. Ricardo’s energy experts have been helping to delivery industry-leading support to energy sector specialists around the world for decades, and we’re pleased to be able to utilize this experience to support Nepal through this ADB funded project.”


Ricardo delivers Asian Development Bank funded energy training in Nepal.