Ricardo guides development of new Oxfordshire wide air quality website
18 September 2023
Ricardo has worked in partnership with all Oxfordshire Councils in the UK to launch a new air quality website: www.oxonair.uk providing air quality guidance and resources across the county.
Across Oxfordshire in 2021, it was estimated that air pollution’s effect on mortality was equivalent to 320 early deaths. The website - which has been created in partnership between Oxford City, Cherwell, West Oxfordshire, South Oxfordshire, Vale of White Horse, and Oxfordshire County Council - aims to integrate all relevant air quality-related information from all district councils in Oxfordshire under one single platform. Focusing on the need for stronger partnerships, increased investment and shared responsibility to overcome air pollution, the launch of the joint website demonstrates each Council’s commitment to tackling air pollution across the county.
Jenny Thomas, Principal Consultant, Air Quality at Ricardo said: “Improving air quality and public health relies on access to clear, easily accessible information and data. We are delighted that the Oxfordshire councils recognise Ricardo’s globally renowned air quality expertise, and our 60-year track record in providing national, regional and local governments with trusted scientific evidence, to support them with the launch of www.oxonair.uk”
In March 2021, started to develop an air quality community website to help raise awareness of air pollution across Oxfordshire. The platform replaces https://oxfordshire.air-quality.info, and includes several new features, including:
- Air pollution forecasts up to five days in advance
- Air pollution alerts for Oxfordshire
- Air quality footprint calculator
- Air quality pledges for individuals
- Information on individual council air quality projects across the county
The website also continues to feature a map and real-time readings of monitoring stations across Oxfordshire including NO2, PM2.5 and PM10, as well as general advice on air quality, why it is important, and how it is monitored across the county. Oxfordshire residents were encouraged to share their views on what features they would like to include on the website.
Download the Oxfordshire County Councils' press release about the new air quality website