Ricardo To Lead Lower Murray Water Rural Masterplan 2050 (1)

Ricardo to lead development of Lower Murray Water's Rural Masterplan

14 February 2025

Lower Murray Water (LMW) has appointed Ricardo, a global strategic, environmental, and engineering consulting company, to lead the development of its Rural Masterplan 2050.

Ricardo will work closely with LMW to review and plan the future of its rural and irrigation services across the region from Nyah to the South Australian border. This is a key project for LMW, as the Corporation prepares to navigate future challenges and maintain a high level of service for its rural customers over the next 25 years.

LMW Managing Director Paul Northey said the appointment followed a rigorous tender process and marked a significant milestone as the Corporation prepared to review its rural services from Nyah to the South Australian border.

 “I am very pleased to confirm the appointment of Ricardo to collaborate with LMW and guide the strategic direction of our rural and irrigation services for the next 25 years,” he said.

“The development of our Rural Masterplan 2050 aims to ensure we have the capacity and flexibility to navigate future conditions and uncertainty, while maintaining a high level of service to our customers.”

“With extensive experience in water policy, water markets, utilities and infrastructure, we are confident in the expertise of Ricardo’s team to bring innovative insights and solutions to address the long-term needs and aspirations of our rural customers.”

Chris Olszak, Director of Water and Environment for Ricardo Australia & New Zealand, said:

“Ricardo’s Australian Water and Environment team are excited about the opportunity to bring together our expertise in strategy, engagement, economics, engineering, environment and land use planning to deliver this important project for the region.”

The development of the masterplan will involve a thorough stakeholder consultation process, engaging rural customers, Traditional Owners, environmental groups, and government agencies to ensure all perspectives are considered.

The Rural Masterplan 2050 is being funded by the Victorian Government and is expected to be completed by December 2025.

For more information, please see this press release from LMW: https://www.lmw.vic.gov.au/latest-news/ricardo-to-lead-lmw-rural-masterplan-development/