Alstom TRAXX Vehicle Testing
As Europe was imposing lockdowns in response to COVID-19 during March 2020, Ricardo’s testing team were in the Czech Republic conducting on-track testing for Alstom’s TRAXX MS3.
This electric-powered locomotive uniquely features an onboard 230kW ‘last-mile’ powerpack that enables travel on non-electrified track, a capability particularly valued in freight ports.
The tests were demonstrating the compatibility of the vehicle’s electrical systems with other trackside and onboard safety technologies.
The lockdown restrictions, however, threatened to impose significant delays on the client’s timetable.
Ricardo's team quickly developed a remote approach, with specially configured software, and cameras installed to stream live footage back to their homes in the Netherlands. A range of audio and visual issues had to be resolved to ensure secure and reliable access to the live data readings.
Our experts were able to complete the test programme and collate sufficient data to compile the Intermediate Statement of Verification. This document was required to support authorisation for the nest stage of testing in The Netherlands.
It is estimated that we prevented a six-month delay in the vehicle’s progress towards authorisation.