WSP NEPCO HV Substations

HV substations upgrades in Jordan

The NEPCO Restructuring Loan is funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and comprises the procurement, design and implementation of various substation and telecommunication goods, and of a new National Control Centre (NCC) and SCADA/EMS system.

WSP, NEPCO’s consultant, commissioned Ricardo to provide specialist engineering consultancy staff to develop a suite of bidding documents for the SCADA/EMS system. The new SCADA/EMS system will provide NEPCO with advanced functionality to monitor and control their 400kV and 132kV transmission networks and coordinate power generation and tie-line flows. 


NEPCO currently uses a SCADA system which is becoming time-expired and, in particular, lacks the functionality necessary to manage thermal and variable renewable generation.  In addition, the provision of emergency back-up facilities and a robust cyber security architecture are required to be implemented. 

Our approach

Ricardo has engineering consultancy staff with over sixty years of combined experience managing the implementation of power utility SCADA/EMS projects, funded by numerous IFI’s for worldwide power utility companies.  Ricardo is preparing a comprehensive suite of bidding documents, comprising functional and performance technical specifications for all required equipment, software and services.

These technical specifications will be complemented with EBRD’s contractual and commercial documents, based on FIDIC.  Ricardo are progressing these works over a six month period and are undertaking site visits to discuss and finalise issues with NEPCO.  Upon completion, the procurement will commence using EBRD’s standard ECEPP portal and Ricardo shall assist NEPCO in managing the bidder clarifications and, following submissions, evaluate all against Ricardo’s approved evaluation procedure.  Ricardo shall then assist NEPCO with any Award of Contract proceedings to the preferred bidder, scheduled to occur towards the end of 2023.


As Ricardo’s direct client, WSP are benefitting by having availability of experienced engineering staff who are able to efficiently manage and progress the required works on their behalf. 

NEPCO, as the ultimate end-client, are benefitting from Ricardo’s specialist knowledge of the prevailing issues and of our ability to actively discuss, capture and conclude wording to best specify the necessary functional and performance criteria for the new SCADA/EMS system.

 Client quote




Start date




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