UK Technical Assistance Programme for LEAF
With deforestation and forest degradation responsible for around 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions, initiatives that encourage governments and communities to raise the value of preserving these environments – and protect them from development – play an increasingly important role in restoring one of the planet’s most important defences against global warming.
Announced during COP26 in 2021, the Lowering Emissions by Accelerating Forest Finance (LEAF) Coalition is a voluntary international programme that brings together the private and public sectors to provide finance for tropical and subtropical forest conservation through carbon markets. LEAF’s aim is to “kickstart a self-sustaining high integrity market for jurisdictional forest carbon credits”.
The UK Government played a central role in launching the LEAF Coalition, alongside the US and Norwegian governments, and has contributed funding to help forest countries deliver verified emissions reductions and gain access to expert support.
Following the scheme’s launch, proposals to join LEAF were received from more than 20 jurisdictions (sub-national or national) across Asia, Africa and Latin America.
In 2023, a Ricardo-led consortium was appointed to provide Technical Assistance to jurisdictions that are working towards Emissions Reductions Purchase agreements (ERPAs) with the LEAF Coalition.
Experts from Ricardo and its partners, Climate Law & Policy and Winrock Ecosystem Services, are available to provide legal and technical advice on ERPA terms, negotiations and implementation.
Our experts will also help jurisdictions meet the strictly defined requirements of ART/TREES, an internationally recognised standard for jurisdictional forest carbon credits, that includes strictly defined requirements for measurement, monitoring and reporting of emission reductions and removals, as well as social and environmental safeguards.
The team will work with select jurisdictions to design bespoke packages of technical assistance in line with the requirements of LEAF and ART/TREES - such as estimating reduction volumes, establishing safeguards, investment planning and engagement and benefits sharing with Indigenous and local communities.
Tailored training programmes will also be organised to ensure relevant skills and expertise is absorbed into local policy and delivery teams.
The technical support provided by Ricardo and its partners will be instrumental for jurisdictions navigating the ART/TREES and LEAF ERPA processes.
The support and guidance of our teams will bring efficiency to the process and help to unlock funding that supports activities targeted at reducing the loss of tropical forestry.