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Vickers Oils

Ricardo applies LCA across Vickers Oils products


Vickers Oils, a chemicals company that produces lubricating oils for the textile, food, and maritime industry, employed Ricardo to calculate their scope 3 inventory to understand their overall carbon footprint and use this to inform their decision to set a science-based target. 


Ricardo’s net zero team worked with Vickers to perform a screening assessment of the 15 scope 3 categories and determine which scope 3 categories were applicable to Vickers Oils. The team then guided Vickers Oils on data collection for each scope 3 category and used the submitted data to calculate emissions in each category. For purchased goods and services, Ricardo analysed Vickers Oils’ accounts and identified the top 10 spend items to explore in further detail.
The Life Cycle Analysis team worked with Ricardo to identify applicable emission factors for these top 10 spend items, increasing the accuracy of the carbon footprint. For the remaining spend items, Ricardo’s in house developed spend evaluator was used to calculated associated emissions using appropriate factors. 


The deliverable of the project was a calculated scope 3 inventory that Vickers could use as part of a footprint for setting a baseline and using in emission reduction targets. The client as very pleased with Ricardo’s work and has agreed to work with Ricardo for a net zero strategy project as additional work.

Client's quote

Ricardo has performed well - we have appreciated your tenacity and can do attitude, as well as your wealth of experience. We appreciate that the communication has been timely and professional and there has never been an air of arrogance or superiority of knowledge as sometimes can be the case with consultants. 

We also appreciate that when you (collectively) haven’t known an answer immediately, you admit it - and find either the answer or someone who knows it, and feedback. Self awareness, integrity and honesty are important for us when working with partners. 


Vickers Oils

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