Ottawa’s O-Train Systems Integration Support
Ricardo provided Systems Integration Verifier Services to support the construction works for the extension of the Trillium Line on the O-Train network in the Canadian capital, Ottawa.
The upgrade and expansion of the line involved lengthened platforms at existing stations to accommodate the new rolling stock, the addition of eight new stations, and 16 kilometres of track to an original route that first opened in 2021.
As the programme involved major civils works - including bridges, underpasses and grade separations - as well as new rolling stock and train control technologies, expert support was sought to oversee the smooth integration of each system into the project.
As the System Integration Verifier, our experts undertook structured forward-look assessments of potential upcoming risks and challenges, and prepared detailed Management Plans to guide managers, contractors and suppliers throughout the build, installation and testing.
Typical risks in a project of this nature include issues around the compatibility of new vehicles with the original track infrastructure; the integration of new signalling technologies with the existing fleets; the impact of increased noise and emissions on adjacent communities; and the route's overall resilience to a climate that ranges from heavy ice in winter to summer temperatures that often exceed 30°C.
To ensure the smooth progression of the project, our team facilitated regular risk workshops with stakeholders to exchange updates and agree priorities. Meanwhile, regular progress reports provided early sight of emerging issues, allowing interventions to be made at more cost-efficient decision points.
Where required, Systems Integration Verifier Notices alerted teams to deficiencies, non-conformances and other observations that our experts believed required attention.
Once satisfied that all concerns had been addressed, with outstanding Notices closed, our team was able to determine, as an independent an objective party, that all key systems were successfully integrated, with the required quality and technical expectations demonstrably met.
The extended and refurbished Trillium Line commenced operations in January 2025.