Ecology and biodiversity
We provide technical environmental assessment and ecological survey services to support preliminary and planning assessments, through to strategic and regulatory assessments and monitoring.
Ensuring development meets environmental and sustainability standards is critical. This requires clear information on ecological condition and robust environmental assessment of proposed developments.
Our team regularly works closely with developers, utility companies and government agencies to provide ecological advice in support of strategic plans, planning applications, consent from statutory bodies, post-planning site works, permitted development construction and wildlife conservation projects.


Nutrient neutrality: Red tape producer or blue riband of water environments?
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Water quality during winter airport operations
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Mandatory biodiversity net gain targets in England: a tool to identify opportunity areas
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We provide an internationally recognised level of expertise in ecology, hydroecology and water management, including the provision of advice for the European Commission, government, regulators, utilities and private sector
- Extended phase 1 habitat surveys
- Bat roost potential assessments of trees and buildings
- Habitat Suitability Index assessments for great crested newts
Our ecology team is regularly involved with projects that have the potential to support species-rich plant communities, including:
- Hedgerow surveys by the Hedgerow Regulations 1997
National Vegetation - Classification surveys and analysis of data using proprietary software
Our ecologists are highly-regarded specialists in their field who hold a wide range of protected species survey licences, including:
- Great crested newt
- Bats
- Water vole
- Otter
- Badger
- Dormice
Our support is fully informed by recent best-practice guidance (notably CIEEM guidance) and we have experts who are preparing ecological impact assessments (EcIA) for formal and informal environmental impact assessments (EIA) and strategic environmental assessments (SEA).
- Ecological walkovers to support initial assessment of risk
- Fish habitat surveys
- Freshwater and estuarine fish surveys
- Marine environmental baseline surveys
- Continuous and spot water-quality sampling
- Ecological impact assessments (EcIA), habitats regulations assessments (HRA) and Water Framework Directive (WFD) assessments
Specialists in providing support for pollution incidents through scientifically robust methodologies designed to stand up to scrutiny. Our experts have an extensive track record in providing pollution prevention and incident advice through Ricardo's chemical risk expertise and post-incident mitigation.
With leading experts in river restoration and fisheries, we are able to identify and evaluate barriers to fish migration on a catchment-wide scale. Our staff are experienced in undertaking river walkovers, feasibility studies, fluvial and geomorphological assessments and audits, habitat enhancement, ecological assessments and hydromorphological studies.

Ecology and biodiversity Resources