Natural capital and nature markets

Based on experience across land and water-based industries, government policy and business, our team provides specialised nature advisory services to underpin decision making

Helping you achieve a nature positive future

Natural capital is the part of nature which directly or indirectly underpins value to people through provision of ecosystem services such as food provision, climate regulation, and human wellbeing. However, these ecosystem services are under threat. The global biodiversity and climate crises must be faced together if the risks to society are to be avoided.  

A natural capital approach (NCA) provides a framework for integrating the concept of natural capital into decision-making, alongside financial and socio-economic considerations. By undertaking natural capital assessments, valuations, planning, reporting and financial modelling, we support clients to better manage, protect, and enhance their natural assets and the services they provide, for the benefit of all.

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Case studies

Microsoftteams Image (9)

Free webinar: Maximising the Impact of Markets for Nature

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World In Hand 1397173997

Discover the importance of nature reporting: Download our comprehensive guide today

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A Natural Health Service (C) Penny Dixie (1)

Ricardo research for new report proves nature-based health projects save the NHS time and money

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Empower your sustainability journey through nature- and climate-positive strategies, developments, solutions and financing.

Biodiversity Net Gain and wider benefits/Environmental Net Gain assessments are increasingly being required for developments in the UK and around the world. Natural capital assessments can be spatial, qualitative, quantitative, or monetary, depending on client aims and data availability.

We support our clients with habitat and condition surveys, running Defra’s Statutory Biodiversity Metric for baseline and post-development scenarios, and quantifying the change in the provision of relevant ecosystem services (including the benefits of Nature-based Solutions). By making recommendations to clients, we are able to influence development design to the benefit of nature and society.

For companies, the commercial and reputational pressures, risks and opportunities associated with natural capital are growing. Investors and stakeholders are increasingly aware of the issues, and demanding that corporates manage and disclose risks and develop effective management strategies for climate and biodiversity. The Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), amongst other frameworks, is key to this emerging market.

Through undertaking biodiversity footprints, TNFD-compliant assessments, identification of ‘Potential Biodiversity Opportunities’ and Nature-based Solutions identification, we enable businesses to assess, report and most importantly act on their nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities, resulting in sustained investment in natural capital and improved business resilience.

Voluntary markets for nature unite those willing to finance nature together with those willing to supply it. In addition to benefiting nature, they can support access to global markets, demonstrate green credentials, access finance, diversify income and create jobs. Governments globally are developing new policies and regulatory measures to incentivize such investment.

We have proven approaches to producing clear and compelling business cases and roadmaps to support the development of ecosystem services markets. Our work includes undertaking research into the viability of such markets, developing blended finance plans, conducting financial modelling, and engaging with relevant investors and landowners.

The economic valuation/monetisation of natural capital assets and the ecosystem services they provide are key to bringing nature to the table in the economic appraisal of a project or intervention (such as Nature-based Solutions or developments) and supporting other business or government decision-making. It is also necessary for producing natural capital accounts, which can support businesses and governments with monitoring and enhancement of natural capital assets going forward.

By undertaking cost-benefit analyses, and following appropriate guidance, including the UK’s Enabling a Natural Capital Approach (ENCA) and the UN’s System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA), our team of experts supports clients with longer-term financial and wider decision-making for business and nature growth.

As our awareness of the importance of better protecting and managing natural capital grows, government and NGOs are looking to ensure they have the right frameworks, information and expertise in place and at hand. Our experts in policy, economics and legislation work with all levels of government to inform and review nature-related legislation, policy and programmes. 

We work across the public and private sectors to help organisations understand and develop natural capital strategies and roadmaps or plans. We have technical experts who prepare compelling business cases and help organisations identify and articulate the value of investing in natural capital projects. Our monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER) experts assist organisations to plan and evaluate their nature-related programmes.

We specialise in providing expert biodiversity and climate finance advice tailored to your sustainability goals. Our team can guide you in designing impactful biodiversity projects while leveraging blended finance strategies to optimise your resources and minimise risks. We engage local communities to ensure the effective development of your biodiversity action plans. Additionally, we advocate for supportive policies and align your strategies with government regulations. Let’s work together to harness climate finance for a sustainable future that benefits your organisation and the environment.

We will be at the Nature Finance UK Conference 2024

The UK is one of the world's most nature-depleted places in the world, and the UK nature market has a vital role to play in funding the restoration of our environment and benefiting communities and our economy. Nature Finance UK Conference brings the latest developments in the fast-emerging UK nature market, and offering businesses and investors high integrity UK nature-based solutions for net zero, climate resilience and a nature-positive future.

Our experts, Dr Helen Mentink and Gloria Angélica Pérez-Vértiz will be hosting an interactive workshop at the conference to help anyone involved in nature-positive strategic planning to identify actions applicable to them, including their role in financial innovation."

Nature Finance Website

Natural capital and nature markets Resources

Free webinar: Maximising the Impact of Markets for Nature

Watch video

Mandatory biodiversity net gain targets in England: a tool to identify opportunity areas

Read blog

Nature Finance UK Conference 2024

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International Day of Forests 2024: Bridging the finance gap for tropical forest conservation

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Meet the experts

Nic Lansdell

Nic Lansdell

Associate Director - Resilience, adaptation and nature

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Helen Mentink Bw

Dr Helen Mentink

Associate Director and Natural Capital Lead

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Justin Story

Justin Story

Associate Director - Resilience, adaptation and nature

View bio

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