Data Modelling and Advisory

Energy, Economy and Environmental Modelling Services for the sustainability future

Over 30 years experience delivering large-scale modelling expertise and market insights that support better decisions for a more sustainability and efficiency within the energy, environment, economic and transport sectors.

Data Modelling and Advisory


Our advanced macroeconomic models capture the inter-dependencies of economic factors at a local and global scale providing informed, robust analysis, and insight. Our world-leading modelling tools are continuously improved to capture the latest trends and research developments and adapted to suit customer requirements.

By providing details on the macro-economy and its interaction with the environment and energy systems, the insights provided by our models allows for a consistent comparative analysis of policy scenarios through enabling the economic systems to remain in equilibrium. 

Our modelling systems are all designed with a low-carbon, sustainable future in mind, and allow for the intersection of environment, economy and energy to be understood, so that policy makers and other organisations understand the impact of their decisions on the natural world and society. Our powerful digital modelling solutions provide forecasts of activity on emissions, pollutants, water and air quality, and analyse the environmental health, climate and economic impacts of alternative growth paths toward more sustainable futures.

Transitioning to a clean, sustainable energy future is essential for governments and organisations to achieve their climate and emission reduction targets. Our specialist data modelling tools and services are specially designed to assist in the development and analysis of policies and initiatives to achieve a low carbon future.

Our comprehensive world energy models help plan for changes to infrastructure, forecasting demand and generation, comparing technology, addressing future uncertainty; projecting energy demand by sector (industry, domestic, regional); including future hydrogen supply and use. Taking a complete view of impact, our models also consider how changes to energy and infrastructure could impact the environment and economy, so decision makers can make informed choices, and develop robust policies.

Understanding the changing demand and movements of people and goods allows local, regional, and global organisation to develop better transportation policy and determine future infrastructure and investment. Our experts and transport models provide projections of future demand across different modes, fuels, and technologies, based on passengers or freight, including providing more granule detail on location, time of day and trip purpose. By providing detail on the optimum technology and fuel mix suppliers and governments can make smarter and cleaner planning decisions.

Delivering world leading expertise

Complicated Transport

Policy analysis and development of strategies for governments

We support the development and analysis of policy intervention by employing detailed, large-scale, applied models to make projections and analyse complex issues requiring system wide consideration while providing analysis for robust energy and climate policy and initiatives.

Horizon Thinking (1)

Supporting research and horizon projects

Our specialist policy and modelling experts design and manage macro-economics and energy modelling research projects for customers around the world, helping partners from a range of fields with long-term research and horizon planning.

World Leaders

Trusted world leaders

Governments and organisations all over the world use Ricardo’s modelling technology to support their planning and policy making. Both GEM-E3 and PRIMES are used on official projects   for the European Commission and its Member States, amongst others, to help understand the interactions between the economy, the energy system, and the environment.

Accuracy Confidence Modelling Transport

Accuracy and confidence

Ricardo’s state-of-the-art modelling tools and services are designed by our sought-after teams of experts who use their decades of experience to assess all data inputs for accuracy and integrity, ensuring clients have confidence in data outputs to inform decisions.

World leading modelling technology

Our modelling tools are trusted by governments, institutions and companies worldwide to support impactful decision making and real world change.

A powerful modelling tool used by governments and companies to analyse the interactions between environment, energy and economic systems, GEM-E3 can consistently evaluate the distributional and macro-economic effects of policies for the various economic sectors and agents across the countries. With an exhaustive data bank, it provides impartial perspective for policy analysis, impact assessment and evaluation of policies, strategies and initiatives at a local, regional and global scale. It enables more informed decision making by providing a better understanding of the impact policy could have on a geography or sector. 

GEM-E3 is ideal for those looking to calculate macro-economic impacts such as GDP, welfare, consumption, trade, employment, sectoral output, and carbon price; foresee energy demand and supply based on ten energy technologies; and assess the impact of policies on climate change and the environment. GEM-E3 is a core modelling tool used by the European Commission to XXX  

The model is customisable allowing the selection of several alternative closure options and market institutional regimes depending on the issue under study.


PRIMES is a comprehensive suite of projections and market equilibrium models for a range of aspects in critical industries, including energy, waste resources and transportation. By forecasting and future gazing, PRIMES helps to inform policies and strategy decision making in governments and companies and is frequently used in research projects and horizon planning.

PRIMES projection models focus on energy, including system planning, power generation investment, price forecasting, climate change mitigation policies and energy efficiency policies; transportation, so you can better understand the changing demand of different passenger and good transportation; biomass/waste resources and investment in secondary  and final transformation, so as to meet a given demand of final biomass/waste energy products.

The Prometheus model is a comprehensive world energy model with innovative features for addressing future uncertainty in the availability of energy resources. The model produces projections of energy demand by sector (industry, domestic, transport), power generation (representing about 25 technologies), renewable energy sources, hydrogen supply and use, and forecasts of energy prices. It is ideal for those looking to understand how new technology, infrastructure or policy could lead to more efficiency, sustainable energy generation.

Metadata What We Do


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Data Modelling and Advisory Resources

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