RiCK™ Technical Information Database

The database for researchers and technical experts, curated by Ricardo’s Information Specialists

Boasting over 340,000 abstracted references from trusted sources.

RiCK contains over 340,000 abstracts and extracts handpicked by Ricardo’s Information Specialists. RiCK is updated continuously, with more than 700 entries added each month. Book a free 30-minutes demonstration and discover more.

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Follow all the developments regarding hydrogen applications across market sectors, for both internal combustion engines and fuel cells. RiCK also includes the latest content on hydrogen production routes, papers relating to safety aspects and policies, globally.

Discover the latest research on decarbonisation in the transport, buildings and energy sectors. Transport content covers decarbonisation research in the areas of light and heavy duty vehicles, marine and other non-road applications. Topics also include carbon capture and storage, lifecycle analysis, carbon reduction, renewable energy, energy storage and relevant policies and programmes.

A wide range of topics related to engine research is included in RiCK, covering the development of engine components, research and modelling of combustion, application of low-carbon fuels and research on improving fuel efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions. All road and non-road applications are taken into account and hybrid powertrain developments are also included.

Discover the latest developments on fuel production and use, topics include research on the development of low-carbon fuels, fuel performance, the effect of fuels on engines and applications, by market sector.

Content in RiCK includes the latest developments in driver assistance systems and autonomous vehicles for both road and non-road applications. Research topics cover modelling, testing and control strategies.

RiCK resources cover hybrid, battery and fuel cell powertrains across multiple sectors, technical papers on batteries and other electrical components, energy efficiency, infrastructure, safety, recycling and circular economy.

Rick Database Lifestyle

Why Subscribe to the RiCK Database?

Keep up-to-date with all the latest research and innovation in hydrogen and decarbonisation and developments in engines, fuels and electric vehicles all in one place.

Trusted content

Ricardo’s Information Specialists handpick the most relevant recent technical, research and policy content and include the abstracts in the RiCK database. They select documents and papers from Automotive World, IMechE, SAE, Science Direct and Springer, amongst others.

Keyword-linked entries for effective searches

All the abstracts and extracts are associated to relevant keywords; this feature, combined with Boolean logic, allows the user to access relevant content only, unlike with general search engines. There are over 4,500 keywords in RiCK.

Continously updated

Over 700 new entries are added to the RiCK database each month, spanning all the topics covered in the database. The RiCK Technical Updates cover a high number of topics and are prepared from the RiCK database, usually each month. Read more about the Technical Updates.

Flexible subscriptions

Subscriptions are configured to match the technical requirements and user numbers you need, with packages including the RiCK Database only or the RiCK Database and a selection of Technical Updates and/or RiCK News titles. Book a demonstration of the database to find out more.

RiCK™ Technical Information Database


This service is offered within the following sectors.

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RiCK™ Technical Information Database Resources

FREE Download: Hydrogen Technical Update

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Meet the experts


Angela Johnson

Vice President and Head RSC EMEA

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