Reliability, Availability and Maintenance (RAM)

Improving rail operational efficiency by continually monitoring performance indicators.

RAM (reliability, availability and maintainability) is a specialist discipline that focuses on delivering a perfect equilibrium between safety, performance and cost management in an engineering system.

It strives to improve railway operational efficiency by ensuring appropriate processes are in place to monitor performance and take proactive steps towards addressing emerging problems.

We help our clients apply RAM techniques – as detailed in the international standard IEC 62278 - across every aspect of the rail industry, from manufacturing and integrating a new fleet of vehicles, to the day-to-day operations of an entire rail network.

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Hitachi Intercity Express - Systems Engineering

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Bangkok Metro Purple Line

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Sarfreight Railfreight Shaded

Saudi Arabia Railways Locomotive Maintenance Plans

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How we can help you

Supported by industry tools such as FaultTree+ and AvSim, our teams will apply established rail system assurance management methods and analytical techniques to determine the reliability and availability of your systems. These techniques include failure modes, effects (and criticality) analysis; fault tree analysis; and reliability block diagrams.

Having assessed potential scenarios and their possible costs, we will help you design and implement sustainable long-term strategies that can reduce the risk of service failure and ensure your railway assets remain reliable, maintainable and available for use.

Benefits of applying RAM techniques

As a business with experience of providing RAM support to rail projects across North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Australasia, we have a deep understanding of applying international best practice to local requirements in full compliance with recognised standards such as CENELEC EN 50126 and IEC 62278 and asset management standards required by ISO 55000.

With such extensive expertise available to your teams, you can be sure of expert support from the very outset of a project, with deliverables including:

  • RAM requirement and plan
  • RAM allocation, prediction and performance analysis
  • Reliability Block Diagram (RBD) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
  • RAM demonstration and performance monitoring including
  • Failure Reporting and Corrective Action System (FRACAS)
  • Spare parts analysis
  • Life-cycle cost analysis

Why choose Ricardo


International scope

Our international network of offices and rail technical centres supports the transfer of skills and experience from one region of the world to the next.


Whole-system mindset

We will help your teams apply systematic processes so that your engineering projects deliver a positive contribution to the wider rail system. 

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An industry voice

Our experts are leading contributors to the international committees, working groups and professional forums that define the rail industry’s technical standards.

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We add value by working alongside your teams in an open and constructive partnership, offering balanced and insightful perspectives on the bigger picture.

Reliability, Availability and Maintenance (RAM) Resources

Technical support for new monorail line in Panama City

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Ricardo receives Technology Innovation award at World Rail Transit Forum in Beijing

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Railway cyber security: an imperative for operational resilience

Read Ricardo Blog

Ricardo supports procurement of zero-emission fleet to serve Latvian capital

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