
Board committees

Board committees

The board has established four main committees - Nomination, Remuneration, Audit and Responsible business. All Committees are supported by the Company Secretary or nominee. The terms of references are set out below:

The purpose of the responsible business committee is to assist the Board in promoting the long-term sustainable success of the Company with regard to ESG matters - which refers to the following areas: environmental, social and governance. 

Terms of reference 

The audit committee assists the Board in performing and reviewing the integrity of the financial information provided to shareholders. This includes the internal control and risk management as well as the internal and external audit process and its auditors. 

Terms of reference 

The role of the remuneration committee is to assist the board to fulfill its responsibility to shareholders to ensure that remuneration policy and practices of Ricardo are designed to support our strategy and promote long-term sustainable success, reward fairly and responsibly.

Terms of reference 

The nomination committee is responsible for corporate governance and succession planning, including leading the process for Board appointments and reviewing the appropriateness of the size, structure and composition of the Board. 

Terms of reference 

CVH (7)