Aiming for a moving target: How industry must prepare for the challenges of Euro 7 / VII
16 Apr 2020
In a free webinar to be hosted by Automotive World at 15.00 BST (10.00 EST / 16.00 CET) on 30 April, Ricardo’s Phil Hopwood and Ben Shalders will set out how automakers and commercial vehicle manufacturers need to prepare for the next phase of European vehicle emissions regulation.
The next major wave of European vehicle emissions regulation presents a significant challenge for the automotive and commercial vehicle industries. Amid calls for the implementation of Euro 7 – and the heavy-duty vehicle equivalent Euro VII – as early as 2025, there remains a lack of clarity as to the final technical details of the targets to be enforced and testing processes required for compliance. As the time horizon of Euro 7/VII implementation approaches that of the typical development cycle for new vehicles, it is imperative for manufacturers to prepare to hit what is, in engineering terms, a moving target in respect of both timing and technical details.
In this free 60-minute Automotive World webinar, Phil Hopwood, Ricardo head of engines and emissions control, and Ben Shalders, chief engineer, engines and emissions control, will share Ricardo experience of a range of collaborative R&D projects focusing on future emissions testing and control technologies alongside the company’s perspectives on, and research activities targeted at, the future of European legislation.
The webinar will also provide practical guidance on how to increase readiness for Euro 7/VII through advanced engineering studies on focused topics. These might include, for example, sensitivity studies for the control of new classes of pollutant, through to early activities within model year application projects such as independent hardware selection testing.
To register for this free webinar visit: https://www.automotiveworld.com/webinars/euro-7-vii-future-emissions-challenges-and-solutions/