Comprehensive sustainability and ESG solutions for chemical organisations

The industry of industries

The chemical sector, known as 'the industry of industries' due to its position at the top of the value chain, is uniquely placed to lead the way on sustainable business practices.


A sustainability journey

Our multi-disciplinary teams of experts provide bespoke independent advice and support tailored to your needs at every step of your sustainability journey.


Establishing the environmental impact of chemical products

Ricardo, with the support of the Chemical Industries Association (CIA), has published a new guide, ‘Establishing the environmental impact of chemical products’, to help chemical organisations advance their sustainability journey.

The guide offers practical insights, best practice, and industry case studies on Life cycle assessments (LCAs), which can identify the environmental impacts of chemical products and processes. The guidance aims to demystify LCAs and their role in driving forward sustainability in the chemical sector, whilst aiding businesses to identify opportunities to enhance product sustainability and reduce environmental impact. 

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Support with growing pressures

Pressure from stakeholders across this value chain has seen an ever-increasing spotlight placed on chemical businesses to, not only have tangible sustainability and environmental, social and governance (ESG) targets, but credible business transition plans that outline how those targets will be met.

In addition, there are now expectations of ongoing monitoring and progress reports against these plans, which provides an opportunity for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to driving sustainable outcomes.

Our consultants can help you no matter where you are on your sustainability journey. We offer a comprehensive range of services to help organisations in the chemical sector to achieve an effective, forward-thinking and sustainable way to do business.

Chemical Sustainability

Helping you to get ahead in the market

We help our clients differentiate themselves in the market by developing sustainability strategies that reduce risk and build long-term organisational and supply chain resilience. Our support goes far beyond compliance and can help to position you as a sustainability leader with robust plans and effective actions that satisfy the demands of investors, regulators, clients, consumers and employees.

Understanding the commercial pressures our chemical clients are under, Ricardo’s experts keep a firm commercial lens over any sustainability  recommendations, ensuring costs are carefully considered in the context of each business's unique commercial drivers and situation.

Chemical Manufacture

Bespoke sustainability support for the chemical sector

Expectations of chemical businesses are high – not only do they have to decarbonise alongside other industries, but they also need to transition to products that are Safe and Sustainable by Design and in line with best practice such as the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) initiative, reducing environmental toxicological risks as well as supporting a circular and low carbon economy.

Ricardo is uniquely positioned to support the chemical sector with all aspects of sustainability. Ricardo’s chemical experts provide in-depth knowledge of the sector including expertise in environmental chemistry and toxicology, chemical regulations and responsible product stewardship. Ricardo’s carbon management and circular economy teams can help with net zero ambitions, renewable energy options, life cycle assessment tools, sustainability reporting, sustainable packaging, sustainable procurement and more.

Our multidisciplinary teams of consultants provide bespoke support that is tailored to your needs. We offer trusted, independent advice, based on robust data, tools and processes  using the latest methodologies and scientific research, to help you set, achieve and communicate your sustainability goals.

Learn more about how Ricardo can help your organisation.

Speak to an expert

Contact us to arrange a free, no obligation discussion at a time that suits you.

Related services

Using deep technical knowledge we enable our clients to develop progressive sustainability and ESG strategies, underpinned by powerful execution pathways.

ESG  strategy and reporting

PAT is a first of its kind tool to provide manufacturers and importers of chemical substances and products, regulators, and the scientific community with support and guidance to undertake complex persistence assessments of chemicals in the environment. It has been developed by our environmental chemistry and toxicology experts in conjunction with Concawe and the International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety.

As part of Ricardo’s vision to create a safe and sustainable world, this tool is available for free.

Persistence Assessment Tool (PAT)

Your Scope 3 (or value chain) emissions can account for up to 90% of your organisation’s greenhouse gas impact. We can help you to tackle this traditionally difficult area through baselining, strategy development, target setting, supplier engagement, implementation and reporting.

Scope 3 emissions management

We can help monitor  your greenhouse gas emissions and provide strategic advice on how to decarbonise.

Energy and carbon management

Publicising information about your activities is a risk as well as an opportunity, so it’s important to get it right.Our team can support you to report correctly and offer advice to help you report future success.

Energy and carbon management

Our experts can tailor plan to help your organisation benefit from a circular economy approach including market assessment, resource mapping, sustainable procurement, stakeholder engagement and more.

Circular economy

Our long-established air quality team can help you to understand, manage and improve air quality.

Air quality

Ricardo’s sustainable transport team can help you assess, design and implement the most effective strategies, policies and solutions to make your transport systems more efficient, sustainable and resilient. 

Our chemical experts have a comprehensive understanding of all legislation relating to the manufacture, distribution, use, treatment and disposal of chemicals. As such, it is ideally placed to guide its clients through the complicated processes of maintaining regulatory compliance.

Our chemical experts provide unparalleled 24/7 support in dealing with incidents safely, helping you to respond quickly and effectively, minimising wider impacts and risk to people, the environment, assets and reputation.

Chemical emergency response

An ESG strategy will help you to understand and respond to the risk and opportunities that will impact your company’s success and long-term value creation. ESG reporting provides a snapshot of the business’s impact in these three areas for investors, customers and wider stakeholders. 

ESG  strategy and reporting

Whether you are just starting to plan your journey to net zero, or already have a roadmap in place and want expertise to deliver your ambitions, Ricardo is here to help. We can support you with reducing Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions.

Net zero pathways

We provide innovative solutions tailored to your needs, supported by our specialists in energy systems, sustainability, carbon capture, sustainable transport, energy from waste, and more.

Renewable energy

Ricardo can provide expert advice and support to help your company respond effectively to the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and leverage the opportunities this regulation brings.

CBAM support

Our deep scientific analysis is helping our clients develop more sustainable products and/or demonstrate their already impressive environmental credentials.

Life cycle assessment

Our experts offer world-class packaging consultancy allowing you to innovate, increase your eco-credentials and comply with legislation.

Circular economy

We are internationally recognised for our expertise in planning and overseeing complex and sensitive water and environmental projects.

Water quality and management

Understanding the hazards and risks of chemicals is a key part of responsible product stewardship and is essential to sustainable business and compliance with global chemical regulations.

Ricardo's horizon scanning tool performs a substance inventory check and identifies whether your substances appear on any global regulatory lists. It provides the results in a clear, easy-to-read report, where you can quickly determine the most recent status of your substances.

Ricardo is proud to be a member of

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Get in touch

Get in touch to see how we can support your organisation to achieve its sustainability goals