Hazmat 2025: the ultimate forum for hazmat professionals


21 May 2025


Chemical risk

Energy and environment



£885 + VAT


09:00 (United Kingdom, London)


Crowne Plaza, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK

The National Chemical Emergency Centre (NCEC) Hazmat conferences are now well established as the 'must go' event for Hazmat professionals to share experiences and gain knowledge with like-minded professionals working in the chemical incident industries. 

Now in its 16th year, the event draws upon the knowledge and experience of a broad range of hazmat professionals and industry leaders, as well as NCEC’s own emergency responders and experts. Bringing together international speakers from across sectors, delegates will benefit from world-standard presentations, case studies and practical, hands-on workshops in a friendly and welcoming environment. 

Using delegate feedback gathered at previous events, the format for Hazmat 2025 will again incorporate interactive syndicate exercises and workshops on a cross-section of subjects as part of this two-day conference. 

We will be encouraging speakers to include practical elements and group interaction where relevant. Sessions will also cover a cross-section of subjects as we look to increase multi-agency representation. Delegates will have the opportunity to tailor their experience by registering for specific workshops.

Hazmat 2023 Day 1 93

Keep up to date with hazardous materials response, chemical exposure monitoring, emergency planning, developments in legislation, future technologies, and learn lessons from past experiences.

Delegate information

Excellent opportunity to introduce latest products and services to key opinion leaders, early adopters and senior decision-makers within the chemical incident community and emergency services.

Exhibitor information
Agenda - coming soon!

We look forward to welcoming speakers from the various UK fire and rescue services, Department for Transport, Environment Agency,  international hazmat experts along with our own emergency response experts. 

Become a speaker

Anyone interested in speaking at future Hazmat events should share their details and abstract with us now! 

Apply here

Sneak peek into Hazmat 2025

Delegate information and registration

Hazmat professionals need to keep up to date with hazardous materials response, chemical exposure monitoring, emergency planning, developments in legislation, future technologies, and learn lessons from past experiences. The Hazmat event is the best opportunity to gain a wider understanding of these issues, and more importantly, practical ways to address them.

All the subjects covered are relevant to people involved in chemical incident response and the setting provides a great opportunity to question and discuss content both in the forum and informally one-to-one. Delegates are drawn from fire services, police forces, airports, ambulance services, the MOD, chemical industry including the pharmaceutical giants and bodies such as the Environment Agency and the Met Office.

Delegate information

The delegate fee will entitle you to:

  • Attendance on both days of the conference on 21 and 22 May. 
  • Lunch and refreshments on both days of the conference.
  • Single room bed & breakfast accommodation at the venue hotel for the night of 21 May. 
  • Attendance at the conference dinner on 21 May.
  • Delegate pack including speaker presentations.  

Book your place - online

Download registration form to submit manually

Presentation and workshops

Presentation and workshop topics are expected to include:

  • Case studies 
  • High risk low frequency events
  • Field expedient decontamination 
  • Alternatively powered vehicles


Exhibitor information and registration

Hazmat 2025 is offering a range of packages and extras to meet different exhibitors’ requirements and the exposure they wish to get from the event. Our sponsorship opportunities will all involve clear recognition of your involvement, special mention throughout the event and display of sponsor details where appropriate.

  • 1 x 2 m space with exhibition table, chairs and room for pop-up banner or display.
  • Exhibitor profile both in delegate pack and on Hazmat website.
  • One attendee place at the conference, which includes:
    • Lunch and refreshments for 21 and 22 May 2025.
    • Conference pack including speaker presentations.
    • Attendance at the conference dinner on 21 May 2025.
    • Bed & breakfast accommodation at the venue hotel for the night of 21 May 2025.

  • Inclusive of bronze package.
  • Additional attendee place at the conference.
  • Sponsorship of your choice of our workshop sessions or the conference lunches across the two days (first come first choice basis).
  • Single A5 advert in the delegates folder.

  • Inclusive of bronze package. 
  • Additional attendee place at the conference.
  • Sponsorship choice (first come first choice basis) of: 
    • Pre-conference BBQ on the evening of 20 May. 
    • Conference poster presentations and prize.
  • Single A5 advert in the delegates folder.  
  • Bed & breakfast accommodation at the venue hotel for the night of 20th May 2025 for your two inclusive attendees.

Please enquire if you would be interested in the Gold package for Hazmat 2025 by contacting us at info@ricardo.com.

  • Inclusive of bronze package.
  • Additional attendee places at the conference.
  • Sponsorship of either:
    • Conference dinner on the 21 May including:
      • Networking drinks reception prior to dinner.
      • Reserved table at dinner for your choice of delegates.
    • Conference after dinner speaker (identity to be confirmed):
      • Reserved seating for your attendees on table with after dinner speaker and opportunity to introduce them.
  • Two A5 adverts in delegates folder.
  • Bed & breakfast accommodation for the night of 20 May 2025 for your two inclusive attendees.

  • Extra exhibitor attendees can be added, which includes:
    • Lunch and refreshments for 21 and 22 May 2025.
    • Conference pack including speaker presentations.
    • Attendance at the conference dinner on 21 May 2025.
    • Bed & breakfast accommodation at the venue hotel for the night of 21 May 2025.
  • Additional B&B accommodation for 20 May 2025(when not included in your package).
  • We also have limited room availability on the 20 May for you to host your own meeting and we can extend an invite to this to our signed-up delegates.

For exhibitors who can secure the attendance of full paying delegates (mention of exhibitor in delegate booking form) who are either new to the event or have not attended Hazmat in the last two years, the following discounts to package prices will be available:

  • 1 - 2 delegates = 5% discount
  • 2 - 5 delegates = 10% discount
  • 5+ delegates = 12.5% discount
2019 Wed 43

Countdown to Hazmat 2025








Crown Plaza



Valid until 01 January 2025


Supported By JOIFF
UK Fire
Asia Pacific Black
Gulf Fire

Questions? Get in touch