National climate plans
Helping national governments develop climate plans and strategies that align with the goals of the Paris Agreement
We have a proud record of supporting countries with the development, implementation and tracking of national climate plans, including Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS).
Our teams also support the development of national implementation roadmaps, sector action plans, indicator frameworks, and the capturing of synergies between NDCs, LT-LEDS and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
Our approach is underpinned by a strong focus on capacity building and local ownership, including the considerations of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion. We also specialise in the development of guidance, training and tools.


Nationally Determined Contributions - NDC Navigator 3.0
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RE-CONNECT: Modelling, Projecting and Tracking Emissions Reduction Pathways
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Nationally Determined Contributions - adaptation costing for Colombia
Read projectOur approach begins with stocktaking and defining support needs, enabling us to design a high-quality support programme.
We provide tools and technical assistance to support the quantification of GHG emissions, modelling and projecting of emissions pathways, assessing the mitigation potential of actions, and the setting of ambitious but achievable targets.
We ensure climate plans are implementable by supporting the robust costing of the actions, development of financing strategies, and assessment of governance and capacity needs.
We design and implement strategies for engaging with all stakeholders to ensure an inclusive, participatory process and coordination of the NDC/LT-LEDS development.
We help countries assess climate vulnerabilities and risks, identify adaptation actions, develop adaptation plans, and integrate adaptation goals into the NDC/LT-LEDS.
We support with the development of processes, including indicators frameworks, to ensure NDCs are trackable, and ensure countries have the systems in place to report on future progress. We also support with drafting of reports.
Guidance and knowledge products
We provide specialist guidance, knowledge tools and training products associated with all aspects of action planning and the development of climate plans and strategies.
The NDC 3.0 Navigator, for example, is an online resource that provides climate policy teams with up-to-date technical information and resources to help them prepare their NDCs.
Hosted by the Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the NDC Partnership, and produced with support from Ricardo experts, the content ranges from setting emission reduction targets to planning how to adapt to climate impacts, securing financial investment, and engaging with community stakeholders.

National climate plans Resources