Waste operations management

Supporting the waste sector to deliver efficient and effective public realm services

Ricardo have been working with local authorities and the waste management industry for more than 35 years providing evidence, data and technical advice contributing to recycling and net zero carbon emission targets and other government priorities.

Our services

Procurement and bid support for waste services

Ricardo’s experienced consultants add considerable value to those seeking waste services by ensuring local authority and public sector procurement processes benefit from the lessons learnt and best practice developed by working on numerous similar projects. This type of advice and support is invaluable for both public and private sector organisations alike.

Environmental permitting and regulatory

We help you understand the requirements of current and future environmental regulations that affect your business. This enables you  to capitalise on opportunities, avoid unnecessary liabilities and protect their reputations.

Waste modelling and analysis

Ricardo works with public and private sector clients to develop robust deliverable waste strategies and implementation plans. All of our strategic advisory support is underpinned by data analysis.

Service review and benchmarking

Ricardo’s waste operations team has an extensive track record of reviewing a wide range of waste-related services including street cleansing, grounds maintenance, waste collections (organics, recycling and residual), household waste recycling centres (HWRCs), vehicle fleet services and wider public realm services.

Strategy development and policy advice

We support you in developing a robust waste strategy to achieve your organisations goals such as reducing waste, increasing recycling and decarbonising.

Refuse collection vehicle fleet decarbonisation

Ricardo supports fleet departments to understand the infrastructure required to support decarbonisation, such as through the use of alternative fuels and justify the business case for procuring assets.

Business case for waste and resource management

Ricardo provides support to businesses at the earliest stages of waste and resource management infrastructure development, including business case development and feasibility studies.

Waste operations management


This service is offered within the following sectors.

Discover our case studies

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Developing Scotland's sustainable, local and low carbon value chains

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Negative emission cogeneration technology

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Measuring Rail’S Circular Economy Performance

Measuring rail’s circular economy performance

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Waste operations management Resources

Ricardo unveils time lapse video of its combined heat and power demonstrator plant with carbon negative footprint

Watch video

The challenges of greenhouse gas accounting in the UK’s waste and recycling sector 

Read article

Climate repair technology: what is it and how does it work?

Read blog